Inuyasha season 3 english dubbed
Inuyasha season 3 english dubbed


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David A.Download Kung Fu French,Heartland CA S06E05,2010 720p hindi.Aidan Drummond replaced Danny McKinnon as Kohaku due to McKinnon having gotten older and his voice changing (the same reason that McKinnon replaced Alex Doduk in the original series).Linda Darlow replaced Pam Hyatt as Kaede.Michael Daingerfield replaced David Kaye as Sesshomaru due to Kaye having moved to Los Angeles in 2007 and largely moving on from anime dubbing.Kira Tozer replaced Moneca Stori as Kagome due to Stori having retired around 2009 and moved to USA.


  • While the vast majority of the cast of the original series reprise their roles some voice actors had to be replaced for various reasons.

  • Inuyasha season 3 english dubbed